Have you ever come across people who seem to be lucky in justabout every situation and circumstance? They find a good parkingspace when not even bad ones are available. They just happen tofind a $50 bill on the pavement. By some uncanny coincidence,they meet the right people at just the right time. They landtheir dream jobs. They triumph over misfortune. They get the girl(or guy) in the end -just like in movies with happy endings.
We consider people lucky when, using no apparent effort, theyjust automatically run into favorable situations that we callluck. Luck isn't necessarily a result of karma or coincidence. Ibelieve that these lucky people actually "unconsciously generate"their so-called luck. They think and behave in ways that creategood fortune in their lives. A large part of this is through apositive attitude or mindset, and how better to instill apositive attitude or mindset than through affirmations?
Anthony Robbins relates the story of a man who, after using awealth affirmation for just a few days, won several milliondollars in a state lottery. Some people would call that acoincidence. Some would call it providence. But whatever you callit, it's certainly worthy of further investigation.
Serendipity is defined as the faculty or phenomenon of findingvaluable or agreeable things not sought for. That, too, issomething we call luck. But what if you could find valuable oragreeable things that you actually are seeking -and what if youcould do it at will?
There are affirmation techniques that empower you to achieve yourdesires and dreams in ways that appear to be pure luck. You canactually attract good luck in ever area of your life - and makeit look easy while doing it.
Richard Wiseman, the head of a psychology research department atthe University of Hertfordshire in England, and author of thebook, "The Luck Factor," did in-depth studies with his colleaguesat the university's Perrott-Warrick Research Unit focusing onwhat makes some people lucky and others not. After conductinghundreds of experiments and thousands of interviews, hediscovered that lucky people think and behave in ways that creategood fortune in their lives. They are 1) particularly open topossibility; and 2) they expect good fortune to come their way.
These two cornerstones are the basis of the following poweraffirmations that maximize your mind's potential for bringinggood luck into your life:
* I am always in the right place at the right time.
* I expect the best and I get it NOW!* I always get everything that is for my highest good.
* Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am divinely guided in all I do.
* I expect life to give me what is best for me.
* I deserve the best and it comes to me NOW!
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now eagerly await my greatest good.
* I expect good fortune every moment of my life.
* I am open to receive the abundant good that God has for me.
* God is the source of all my good, I look only to Him for mysupply.
* I envision only that which is for my highest good.
* My highest good is manifesting in my life right now.
* God's wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth flows to mein avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals aremet instantaneously because I am one with God, and God iseverything.
Note that many of the above affirmations call upon your "highestgood." That's because when you summon your highest good, amazingthings can happen.
The last in the above list is the word-for-word affirmationAnthony Robbins personally used. He went from being in a state ofpoverty, living in a tiny one-bedroom apartment (where he used towash dishes in the bath tub), being clinically obese and havingno girlfriend - to becoming a millionaire, achieving his idealweight and becoming physically fit, living in a real-life castle(with turrets) by the ocean with his dream woman -- all within ayear's time.
TIP: There's a revolutionary approach to affirmations that virtually turns you into a luck magnet. When you read the material here you'll discover how to improve your odds at becoming lucky in every area of your life.
Minggu, 13 Juli 2008
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