Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Characteristics of Lucky People
How to Attract Good Fortune into your Life
© Judith Vines
Dec 12, 2007
Lucky people and the characteristics to attract good fortune into your life
Are some individuals destined to succeed while others are fated to fail? Does luck actually exist, and if so, is it part of some giant, cosmic game plan? Do people perhaps use some form of unconscious psychic ability to attract good or bad circumstances? Is it possible to attract and create good fortune?
Dr. Richard Wiseman, author of the British bestseller The Luck Factor: Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life (2003, Miramax Books), researched a broad range of individuals to discover what tendencies made them feel lucky or unlucky. The interesting factor that Wiseman found was that those who felt lucky in one area of their lives often had been lucky in several others. Those in happy relationships were also content with their career and financial situation, for example.
What Wiseman and his research team discovered was a level of consistency in the experiences of good fortune by those who thought of themselves as “lucky”. Conversely, those who felt to be victims of ill fate and bad luck situations labeled themselves as “unlucky”. Wiseman thus concluded that there must be some causal effect for these consistencies to work well for some and consistently badly for others.
One of the differences is in the way that lucky and unlucky people perceive change and new experiences in life. Unlucky people are usually stuck in routines and fear change, often finding themselves saying “I’d never do that!” Lucky people on the other hand seize opportunity and are willing to take risks.
Lucky individuals also seem to hold an image in their minds of the potential in any situation and stick to their vision. These individuals trust their intuition and inner voice.
Of course, random events do occur in our lives. Many scientific discoveries were the result of a chance event, including penicillin, X-rays, Velcro and aspirin.
Yet the one component that becomes evident from Dr. Wiseman’s work is that luck is the result of an individual’s ability to take an opportunity or idea and transform it through creativity, desire and courage. Some of the characteristics of lucky people he observed were a trust in their intuition and psychic ability with clear goals and an open mind.
Luck has the power to transform our belief system into new ideas and potentials. Listen to the advice of those who live happy and successful lives and be courageous enough to seize opportunities as they are presented to you. Hold the creative vision of what you want your life to be and no matter how hard stick with it! You just might find that you are the luckiest one of them all!

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