Most people want to know how to attract more money into their lives, and there are advanced Law of attraction techniques that enable us to do exactly that. Although many people know about the general concepts of the law of attraction, such as visualization and practicing gratitude, relatively few individuals are familiar with the more advanced techniques. With that in mind, let 's take a look at two powerful techniques to attract money.
Advanced Law of Attraction Technique 1: Stop "wanting" things -- "have" themThe law of attraction says that whatever we focus on expands. Many people mistakenly believe this means we will attract whatever we "want" into our lives. But in truth, we do not attract what we "want," we attract more of what we already "have."This means that in order to attract money, we must develop a mindset of already "having" money. One powerful technique to facilitate this mindset is to begin focusing on the ways in which we are already rich. Here 's how it works:As you're reading this right now, you are a very wealthy and lucky person. I know this is true for a variety of reasons. For example, you have a computer and access to the Internet. Does this seem like a small thing to you? Do you realize that millions of people around the world have no access to a computer, much less to the Internet. In fact, millions of people don't even have electricity in their home. And yet you do. This alone puts you easily in the richest 20% of the world 's population. Perhaps you also had the ability to get an education. Do you realize that a billion people around the world do not have that opportunity. I think you're starting to see my point.All of these things that we take for granted on a daily basis are important. Having a nice home, helpful utilities, Internet access, clean running water and other "basics" mean that you are one of the extremely lucky and rich people of the world. By focusing on all of these ways that you are already rich you come into alignment with the concept of... you guessed it... already being rich. You see how simple this is?The more you stay in this mindset of gratitude because you're already rich, prosperous and have an easy life, the more you will attract greater levels of these things to you. Remember, we don't attract what we want -- we attract more of what we already have.
Advanced Law of Attraction Technique 2: Show Yourself the MoneyDo you remember that scene in the film Jerry Maguire where Cuba Gooding Jr. kept saying, "show me the money?" Well, the second technique I want to share with you is all about showing yourself the money. Here 's what I mean:Money is a very powerful symbol, and it has a stronger symbolic effect on all of us than we realize. To get in the mindset of already having wealth (see advanced technique #1), it is important to see, hear, touch and even smell money often (I don't recommend that you taste it though). haha :)All you need to do is begin carrying more money than you normally do and take it out and look at it often. In fact, don't just look at it; rustle the notes beside your ear and listen to the sound they make. And let 's not forget that money has a very unique smell. Hold the bills up to your nose and take a good whiff. Literally "breathe in" the money and feel it on every level of your being.The idea is to get ALL of your senses involved in the experience of having money. See the money, hear the money, smell the money and touch the money. Become "one" with the money.This technique may sound silly to you at first, but don't be fooled; getting all of your senses involved is a powerful way to manifesting money in your life. Try these two "how to" techniques to use the law of attraction more effectively and attract more money into your bank account than you ever thought possible!
Minggu, 13 Juli 2008
Of the many personal development books on attracting money I have read, I have found a common theme on the basics of money attraction. Similarly, when you go online and search on the same subject, the same tips will be found.
So what is the fundamental foundation to attract money and wealth? It is your thinking and mindset that will set the stage for attracting money. So in order to be able to attract money naturally, you must learn how to use mindset to attract money.
You need to train your mind into believing that you already have what you wanted, and then your life will miraculously change to reflect your new belief. The following attracting money mindset tips may sound like mumbo jumbo hocus pocus to you, but they are common refrains from great money making gurus. They constantly repeat these 5 tips to train their mind to attract wealth and money.
Tip 1 - Act and behave like you are already rich.You must act and believe you have always wanted is already yours. In this instance, it is money. So act as if you already have the money you wish to have. Ask yourself, if I am already rich, what would I do, how would I act, how would I feel, and then act, feel and do it.
By behaving and acting rich, you are teaching your mind that you are expanding your limitations, and as you practice this you will begin to purchase more of the things you want in your life and the money will come to you to pay for them. Want to be rich, then do this. This is the law of the universe.
Tip 2 - Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive. To attract money, you must show gratitude for the money which is already in your life. Instead of complaining how little money you have, be grateful that you already have money and will have more and give thanks to God or whatever greater power you believe in.
The next time when you get some money, instead of barely noticing it, take a few moments to give thanks to the universe or God for bringing this money into your wallet or bank account. Every time you receive your paycheck or every time you earned some money do stop and appreciate the fact that money is flowing into your life. By being grateful for money flowing to you, more money will be attracted to you.
Tip 3 - Find a dime on the sidewalk, keep it.In order to attract money into your life, your subconscious mind must be open to the idea of money flowing to you. You must be open and receptive to any money coming to you from any moral source. If you see a dime on the street, and your usual reaction is probably to ignore it. By doing that, you are teaching your subconscious mind that you are not willing to put out effort for money.
Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a dime and a million bucks. All that your mind registers is how you feel and that thought will be stashed somewhere in your subconscious mind that you do not want to attract money.
This mindset can also come in many other forms such as whenever you do not accept a gift or do not charge someone for work done or charge them way less than you should be or you sell a product for less than it is worth, you are creating the same emotions. So if you want to attract money, you must accept the money that is rightfully yours including that dime on the street.
Tip 4 - Be open to money making opportunitiesAsk yourself this question. Why it is rich people always have money making opportunities and that you don't? The answer is that you are simply not looking for opportunities hard enough or when opportunities come along, you are too lazy to take them or are even skeptical.
The difference between rich and poor people is that rich people realize that new opportunities are always all around them. You simply need to keep a look out for the opportunities, keep an open mind, and be prepared to take advantage when the opportunity comes knocking and do open the door when opportunities knock. In this way, you will attract wealth and money naturally.
Someone once said, luck is when opportunity meets preparation. If you want to find money making opportunities in your life then you must be prepared to take advantage of them when they come. By doing so, you will be blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced. Still skeptical? If you are, then you will hardly have any money making opportunies.
Tip 5 - Do something that makes you feel goodDo something that makes you feel good? I can hear you say that I don't have to tell you this. Everyone also wants to do things that make them feel good. When you feel good, your energy and mood rises, you will feel optimistic and positive and these attitudes will attract more of the things into your life which make you feel good such as money and wealth.
Now that you know the mindset on how to attract wealth and money, keep these money making mindset tips in your mind and act on them daily. After a few weeks or months, just sit back and watch more and more money flowing to you.
So what is the fundamental foundation to attract money and wealth? It is your thinking and mindset that will set the stage for attracting money. So in order to be able to attract money naturally, you must learn how to use mindset to attract money.
You need to train your mind into believing that you already have what you wanted, and then your life will miraculously change to reflect your new belief. The following attracting money mindset tips may sound like mumbo jumbo hocus pocus to you, but they are common refrains from great money making gurus. They constantly repeat these 5 tips to train their mind to attract wealth and money.
Tip 1 - Act and behave like you are already rich.You must act and believe you have always wanted is already yours. In this instance, it is money. So act as if you already have the money you wish to have. Ask yourself, if I am already rich, what would I do, how would I act, how would I feel, and then act, feel and do it.
By behaving and acting rich, you are teaching your mind that you are expanding your limitations, and as you practice this you will begin to purchase more of the things you want in your life and the money will come to you to pay for them. Want to be rich, then do this. This is the law of the universe.
Tip 2 - Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive. To attract money, you must show gratitude for the money which is already in your life. Instead of complaining how little money you have, be grateful that you already have money and will have more and give thanks to God or whatever greater power you believe in.
The next time when you get some money, instead of barely noticing it, take a few moments to give thanks to the universe or God for bringing this money into your wallet or bank account. Every time you receive your paycheck or every time you earned some money do stop and appreciate the fact that money is flowing into your life. By being grateful for money flowing to you, more money will be attracted to you.
Tip 3 - Find a dime on the sidewalk, keep it.In order to attract money into your life, your subconscious mind must be open to the idea of money flowing to you. You must be open and receptive to any money coming to you from any moral source. If you see a dime on the street, and your usual reaction is probably to ignore it. By doing that, you are teaching your subconscious mind that you are not willing to put out effort for money.
Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a dime and a million bucks. All that your mind registers is how you feel and that thought will be stashed somewhere in your subconscious mind that you do not want to attract money.
This mindset can also come in many other forms such as whenever you do not accept a gift or do not charge someone for work done or charge them way less than you should be or you sell a product for less than it is worth, you are creating the same emotions. So if you want to attract money, you must accept the money that is rightfully yours including that dime on the street.
Tip 4 - Be open to money making opportunitiesAsk yourself this question. Why it is rich people always have money making opportunities and that you don't? The answer is that you are simply not looking for opportunities hard enough or when opportunities come along, you are too lazy to take them or are even skeptical.
The difference between rich and poor people is that rich people realize that new opportunities are always all around them. You simply need to keep a look out for the opportunities, keep an open mind, and be prepared to take advantage when the opportunity comes knocking and do open the door when opportunities knock. In this way, you will attract wealth and money naturally.
Someone once said, luck is when opportunity meets preparation. If you want to find money making opportunities in your life then you must be prepared to take advantage of them when they come. By doing so, you will be blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced. Still skeptical? If you are, then you will hardly have any money making opportunies.
Tip 5 - Do something that makes you feel goodDo something that makes you feel good? I can hear you say that I don't have to tell you this. Everyone also wants to do things that make them feel good. When you feel good, your energy and mood rises, you will feel optimistic and positive and these attitudes will attract more of the things into your life which make you feel good such as money and wealth.
Now that you know the mindset on how to attract wealth and money, keep these money making mindset tips in your mind and act on them daily. After a few weeks or months, just sit back and watch more and more money flowing to you.
Have you ever come across people who seem to be lucky in justabout every situation and circumstance? They find a good parkingspace when not even bad ones are available. They just happen tofind a $50 bill on the pavement. By some uncanny coincidence,they meet the right people at just the right time. They landtheir dream jobs. They triumph over misfortune. They get the girl(or guy) in the end -just like in movies with happy endings.
We consider people lucky when, using no apparent effort, theyjust automatically run into favorable situations that we callluck. Luck isn't necessarily a result of karma or coincidence. Ibelieve that these lucky people actually "unconsciously generate"their so-called luck. They think and behave in ways that creategood fortune in their lives. A large part of this is through apositive attitude or mindset, and how better to instill apositive attitude or mindset than through affirmations?
Anthony Robbins relates the story of a man who, after using awealth affirmation for just a few days, won several milliondollars in a state lottery. Some people would call that acoincidence. Some would call it providence. But whatever you callit, it's certainly worthy of further investigation.
Serendipity is defined as the faculty or phenomenon of findingvaluable or agreeable things not sought for. That, too, issomething we call luck. But what if you could find valuable oragreeable things that you actually are seeking -and what if youcould do it at will?
There are affirmation techniques that empower you to achieve yourdesires and dreams in ways that appear to be pure luck. You canactually attract good luck in ever area of your life - and makeit look easy while doing it.
Richard Wiseman, the head of a psychology research department atthe University of Hertfordshire in England, and author of thebook, "The Luck Factor," did in-depth studies with his colleaguesat the university's Perrott-Warrick Research Unit focusing onwhat makes some people lucky and others not. After conductinghundreds of experiments and thousands of interviews, hediscovered that lucky people think and behave in ways that creategood fortune in their lives. They are 1) particularly open topossibility; and 2) they expect good fortune to come their way.
These two cornerstones are the basis of the following poweraffirmations that maximize your mind's potential for bringinggood luck into your life:
* I am always in the right place at the right time.
* I expect the best and I get it NOW!* I always get everything that is for my highest good.
* Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am divinely guided in all I do.
* I expect life to give me what is best for me.
* I deserve the best and it comes to me NOW!
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now eagerly await my greatest good.
* I expect good fortune every moment of my life.
* I am open to receive the abundant good that God has for me.
* God is the source of all my good, I look only to Him for mysupply.
* I envision only that which is for my highest good.
* My highest good is manifesting in my life right now.
* God's wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth flows to mein avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals aremet instantaneously because I am one with God, and God iseverything.
Note that many of the above affirmations call upon your "highestgood." That's because when you summon your highest good, amazingthings can happen.
The last in the above list is the word-for-word affirmationAnthony Robbins personally used. He went from being in a state ofpoverty, living in a tiny one-bedroom apartment (where he used towash dishes in the bath tub), being clinically obese and havingno girlfriend - to becoming a millionaire, achieving his idealweight and becoming physically fit, living in a real-life castle(with turrets) by the ocean with his dream woman -- all within ayear's time.
TIP: There's a revolutionary approach to affirmations that virtually turns you into a luck magnet. When you read the material here you'll discover how to improve your odds at becoming lucky in every area of your life.
We consider people lucky when, using no apparent effort, theyjust automatically run into favorable situations that we callluck. Luck isn't necessarily a result of karma or coincidence. Ibelieve that these lucky people actually "unconsciously generate"their so-called luck. They think and behave in ways that creategood fortune in their lives. A large part of this is through apositive attitude or mindset, and how better to instill apositive attitude or mindset than through affirmations?
Anthony Robbins relates the story of a man who, after using awealth affirmation for just a few days, won several milliondollars in a state lottery. Some people would call that acoincidence. Some would call it providence. But whatever you callit, it's certainly worthy of further investigation.
Serendipity is defined as the faculty or phenomenon of findingvaluable or agreeable things not sought for. That, too, issomething we call luck. But what if you could find valuable oragreeable things that you actually are seeking -and what if youcould do it at will?
There are affirmation techniques that empower you to achieve yourdesires and dreams in ways that appear to be pure luck. You canactually attract good luck in ever area of your life - and makeit look easy while doing it.
Richard Wiseman, the head of a psychology research department atthe University of Hertfordshire in England, and author of thebook, "The Luck Factor," did in-depth studies with his colleaguesat the university's Perrott-Warrick Research Unit focusing onwhat makes some people lucky and others not. After conductinghundreds of experiments and thousands of interviews, hediscovered that lucky people think and behave in ways that creategood fortune in their lives. They are 1) particularly open topossibility; and 2) they expect good fortune to come their way.
These two cornerstones are the basis of the following poweraffirmations that maximize your mind's potential for bringinggood luck into your life:
* I am always in the right place at the right time.
* I expect the best and I get it NOW!* I always get everything that is for my highest good.
* Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am divinely guided in all I do.
* I expect life to give me what is best for me.
* I deserve the best and it comes to me NOW!
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now eagerly await my greatest good.
* I expect good fortune every moment of my life.
* I am open to receive the abundant good that God has for me.
* God is the source of all my good, I look only to Him for mysupply.
* I envision only that which is for my highest good.
* My highest good is manifesting in my life right now.
* God's wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth flows to mein avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals aremet instantaneously because I am one with God, and God iseverything.
Note that many of the above affirmations call upon your "highestgood." That's because when you summon your highest good, amazingthings can happen.
The last in the above list is the word-for-word affirmationAnthony Robbins personally used. He went from being in a state ofpoverty, living in a tiny one-bedroom apartment (where he used towash dishes in the bath tub), being clinically obese and havingno girlfriend - to becoming a millionaire, achieving his idealweight and becoming physically fit, living in a real-life castle(with turrets) by the ocean with his dream woman -- all within ayear's time.
TIP: There's a revolutionary approach to affirmations that virtually turns you into a luck magnet. When you read the material here you'll discover how to improve your odds at becoming lucky in every area of your life.
The first thing you need to know about how to attract women is that: It is something that you can learn.If you find that women aren't paying you much attention lately, or that you tend to lose a woman 's interest quite quickly - then you can definitely change that.Unlike women who are stuck with their physical looks (the thing that attracts men the most), men can quickly improve their personality (the thing that attracts women the most).It doesn't take long if you know what to work on. Personally, when I discovered how to attract women, I went from having no women in my life to always having a woman to date or get into a relationship with.The reality is that some guys are good with women and some are not. You can be one of the guys who is good with women. To help you get there today, I'm now going to give you some free tips on the subject of attracting women.
How to Attract Women Tip #1: Don't try to impress womenIt 's absolutely fine to be impressive around women (e.g. a confident guy, funny, great conversationalist, good sense of style, etc), but one of the biggest turn offs for an attractive woman is when a guy tries to blatantly impress her.It shows that you see her as having more value than you and that you are trying to get with HER more than she is trying to get with YOU. That approach is the opposite of what women mean when they say, "I want a guy who is a challenge."Don't make it difficult for yourself by not being what women actually want. We don't want women who don't meet our standards of attractiveness, and neither do women.
How to Attract Women Tip #2: Develop the key personality traits and behaviors that naturally attract womenWomen are attracted to very specific things about men, which are the same no matter what country you live in. So, why not develop those specific things and become your most attractive self?These specific things include: Confidence, Masculinity or Alpha Male, Humor & Being a Funny Guy, Being Challenging & Unpredictable, Charm, a Sense of Style, Adventurousness, Social Intelligence.I have to ask you though: Are you actually willing to work on those things if it means dating the women you really want to be with? How important is it to you?If you don't take action now to learn how to attract and date the women you want, will you regret all the wasted years later in life? I know that I regret the 10 years that I wasted not being attractive to women. I cringe sometimes when I think of all the opportunities I passed up.
How to Attract Women Tip #3: Become a more interesting personUnlike the lifestyles depicted by TV shows like The O.C or Grey 's Anatomy, most modern women live pretty ordinary lives.Further, most women are wishing and hoping to meet an interesting guy who can add more excitement, adventure and spontaneity to their life. When a woman asks you, "So, what have you been up to lately?" it 's an awesome chance to demonstrate that you do actually have a life going on.Doing so allows a woman to then imagine herself in your life. Your reply will either help fuel her attraction and interest for you, or kill it. If you currently live a pretty boring lifestyle (e.g. work, eat, watch TV, catch up with a friend or two) then start getting more active. Join some clubs, attend some festivals, try new adventurous activities and add more spice to your life.The more you have going on in your life (i.e. activities that include other people), the more chance you have to meet and attract new women. Sitting on the sidelines and waiting for luck or 'fate' to play its part is a long, drawn-out and lonely strategy for life.
How to Attract Women Tip #1: Don't try to impress womenIt 's absolutely fine to be impressive around women (e.g. a confident guy, funny, great conversationalist, good sense of style, etc), but one of the biggest turn offs for an attractive woman is when a guy tries to blatantly impress her.It shows that you see her as having more value than you and that you are trying to get with HER more than she is trying to get with YOU. That approach is the opposite of what women mean when they say, "I want a guy who is a challenge."Don't make it difficult for yourself by not being what women actually want. We don't want women who don't meet our standards of attractiveness, and neither do women.
How to Attract Women Tip #2: Develop the key personality traits and behaviors that naturally attract womenWomen are attracted to very specific things about men, which are the same no matter what country you live in. So, why not develop those specific things and become your most attractive self?These specific things include: Confidence, Masculinity or Alpha Male, Humor & Being a Funny Guy, Being Challenging & Unpredictable, Charm, a Sense of Style, Adventurousness, Social Intelligence.I have to ask you though: Are you actually willing to work on those things if it means dating the women you really want to be with? How important is it to you?If you don't take action now to learn how to attract and date the women you want, will you regret all the wasted years later in life? I know that I regret the 10 years that I wasted not being attractive to women. I cringe sometimes when I think of all the opportunities I passed up.
How to Attract Women Tip #3: Become a more interesting personUnlike the lifestyles depicted by TV shows like The O.C or Grey 's Anatomy, most modern women live pretty ordinary lives.Further, most women are wishing and hoping to meet an interesting guy who can add more excitement, adventure and spontaneity to their life. When a woman asks you, "So, what have you been up to lately?" it 's an awesome chance to demonstrate that you do actually have a life going on.Doing so allows a woman to then imagine herself in your life. Your reply will either help fuel her attraction and interest for you, or kill it. If you currently live a pretty boring lifestyle (e.g. work, eat, watch TV, catch up with a friend or two) then start getting more active. Join some clubs, attend some festivals, try new adventurous activities and add more spice to your life.The more you have going on in your life (i.e. activities that include other people), the more chance you have to meet and attract new women. Sitting on the sidelines and waiting for luck or 'fate' to play its part is a long, drawn-out and lonely strategy for life.
How to attract the good stuff!
The law of attraction is simple – what you think about becomes a reality. In other words, your thoughts are what attract things into your life.
Here’s an example of how the law of attraction work - most people who are overweight constantly think about weighing more than they should. Since they consistently think about being unhealthy and overweight, they continue to remain that way, in spite of going on diets and trying to change their lifestyle.
The law of attraction is not about just positive thinking. Believers of this theory say it is not just positive things you attract into your life, but also negative things. Whatever you spend your time and energy thinking on will come about in your life. Stop reading this article and just for a moment think of someone you know who seems to have continual bad luck – things never go right for them, something is always wrong. Now ask yourself honestly – it this person extremely pessimistic in all areas of their life? Do they expect the worst and amazingly enough things always turn out for the worst? Could it be that their negativity is attracting bad luck into their lives?
Another example is that people who are broke tend to continually think they are poor… By thinking you're poor, you act like a poor person acts, and you do nothing to change your situation. So you continue to attract the same results – little money.
People who act on the law of attraction believe that thoughts are like oars on the boat – in that they control where we are headed. In other words, what we think about today will shape our destination for tomorrow. Repeat that sentence again – it’s worth considering it your ‘law of attraction’ mantra. Instead of thinking about how overweight you are, or how poor you are, or whatever ails you, start thinking about what you want to attract – a slim figure, a full bank account, good health.
Stop thinking poor thoughts, think rich thoughts. Stop thinking fat thoughts, think thin thoughts. These thoughts will start to steer you in the direction to achieve those things. It's actually quite simple, if you think about it; if you think exactly like a person who is rich thinks, you'll start to attract the same things in your life that that rich person attracts.
So how can use the law attraction work for you?
Determine what you want out of life, and write it down.
Now use your thoughts to attract that into your life. Think about the success you will achieve by getting it. By thinking about success constantly, you will start to attract success into your life. This is because you'll be more aware of what success is, since you are focusing on it.
While for some it may just be a simple case of positive thinking, for many this idea of allowing our thoughts to direct us has made a profound difference in their lives. If you think there are some areas of your life where you would like a little improvement, then give it a go. Harness its power and get more out of your life today!
Do you use the laws of attraction? How have you found they work for you? We’d love to hear your experiences, so share your thoughts on the topic by submitting a comment below.
Article by Rachel Goodchild
The law of attraction is simple – what you think about becomes a reality. In other words, your thoughts are what attract things into your life.
Here’s an example of how the law of attraction work - most people who are overweight constantly think about weighing more than they should. Since they consistently think about being unhealthy and overweight, they continue to remain that way, in spite of going on diets and trying to change their lifestyle.
The law of attraction is not about just positive thinking. Believers of this theory say it is not just positive things you attract into your life, but also negative things. Whatever you spend your time and energy thinking on will come about in your life. Stop reading this article and just for a moment think of someone you know who seems to have continual bad luck – things never go right for them, something is always wrong. Now ask yourself honestly – it this person extremely pessimistic in all areas of their life? Do they expect the worst and amazingly enough things always turn out for the worst? Could it be that their negativity is attracting bad luck into their lives?
Another example is that people who are broke tend to continually think they are poor… By thinking you're poor, you act like a poor person acts, and you do nothing to change your situation. So you continue to attract the same results – little money.
People who act on the law of attraction believe that thoughts are like oars on the boat – in that they control where we are headed. In other words, what we think about today will shape our destination for tomorrow. Repeat that sentence again – it’s worth considering it your ‘law of attraction’ mantra. Instead of thinking about how overweight you are, or how poor you are, or whatever ails you, start thinking about what you want to attract – a slim figure, a full bank account, good health.
Stop thinking poor thoughts, think rich thoughts. Stop thinking fat thoughts, think thin thoughts. These thoughts will start to steer you in the direction to achieve those things. It's actually quite simple, if you think about it; if you think exactly like a person who is rich thinks, you'll start to attract the same things in your life that that rich person attracts.
So how can use the law attraction work for you?
Determine what you want out of life, and write it down.
Now use your thoughts to attract that into your life. Think about the success you will achieve by getting it. By thinking about success constantly, you will start to attract success into your life. This is because you'll be more aware of what success is, since you are focusing on it.
While for some it may just be a simple case of positive thinking, for many this idea of allowing our thoughts to direct us has made a profound difference in their lives. If you think there are some areas of your life where you would like a little improvement, then give it a go. Harness its power and get more out of your life today!
Do you use the laws of attraction? How have you found they work for you? We’d love to hear your experiences, so share your thoughts on the topic by submitting a comment below.
Article by Rachel Goodchild
Prosperity does not come just to special people. You all have an innate ability to attract unlimited wealth and prosperity for yourself, and to have whatever you need both physically and spiritually in every aspect of your life. It's not too late to train your mind to attract prosperity to yourself using the resources presented here. law of attraction
How Law Of Attraction Works
The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that everything around us, including ourselves, is composed of Energy. This includes our thoughts! It is a basic law of quantum physics that "like energy attracts like energy". Therefore, what we think about the most, we get more of! law of attraction
"The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on… you will get. Notice I said what you focus on. I did not say what you want or need or desire. If you are focused on the fact that you do not have enough money, if you are constantly worrying about it and thinking about it… then that is your dominant thought and focus. " ~ Dr. Robert Anthony, "Rich Mind Life Strategy"
Would It Surprise You To Discover That You Make Your Realities,Your Own Fate And Your Own Luck?That...Is How Powerful You Are!
Attracting prosperity can be's the natural outcome of the way you live, think and act. You can magnetize anything you want to you using your thoughts/feelings and the universal law of attraction ...and to manifest your heart's desire. Training your mind to make your own realities and your life purpose, to create the wealth and financial freedom is part of your spiritual growth. law of attraction
Blood, sweat and tears AREN'T what it takes to see your dreams come true. Imagination, belief and expectation are what's needed...then you're drawn into action, circumstances and "coincidences" that make dream manifestation INEVITABLE.
This isn't wishful thinking, it's the way things have always been in time and space. You don't need more conventional education and training, more connections, or more lucky just need to understand the principles and concepts that every prophet and messiah have shared since the beginning of time.
Principles of Law of Attraction that have nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with the truth about who you are, why you're here, and the magic at your disposal. law of attraction
By identifying, understanding and harnessing your "infinite energy within" WILL access the "powerful source" that literally turns wishes into reality, your wishes! It's time to create the wealth, abundance, and joy you are looking for! law of attractionlaw of attraction
Law of Attraction: You Reap What You Sow
"If we plant a seed in the ground, we know that the sun will shine and the rain will water, and we leave it to the law to bring results...Well, the desire you image is the seed, your occasional closing of the eyes in imagery is the sun and your constant, though not anxious, expectation is the rain and cultivation necessary to bring absolutely sure results."~ Frances Latimer Warner, Our Invisible supply, Part One 1907
How Law Of Attraction Works
The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that everything around us, including ourselves, is composed of Energy. This includes our thoughts! It is a basic law of quantum physics that "like energy attracts like energy". Therefore, what we think about the most, we get more of! law of attraction
"The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on… you will get. Notice I said what you focus on. I did not say what you want or need or desire. If you are focused on the fact that you do not have enough money, if you are constantly worrying about it and thinking about it… then that is your dominant thought and focus. " ~ Dr. Robert Anthony, "Rich Mind Life Strategy"
Would It Surprise You To Discover That You Make Your Realities,Your Own Fate And Your Own Luck?That...Is How Powerful You Are!
Attracting prosperity can be's the natural outcome of the way you live, think and act. You can magnetize anything you want to you using your thoughts/feelings and the universal law of attraction ...and to manifest your heart's desire. Training your mind to make your own realities and your life purpose, to create the wealth and financial freedom is part of your spiritual growth. law of attraction
Blood, sweat and tears AREN'T what it takes to see your dreams come true. Imagination, belief and expectation are what's needed...then you're drawn into action, circumstances and "coincidences" that make dream manifestation INEVITABLE.
This isn't wishful thinking, it's the way things have always been in time and space. You don't need more conventional education and training, more connections, or more lucky just need to understand the principles and concepts that every prophet and messiah have shared since the beginning of time.
Principles of Law of Attraction that have nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with the truth about who you are, why you're here, and the magic at your disposal. law of attraction
By identifying, understanding and harnessing your "infinite energy within" WILL access the "powerful source" that literally turns wishes into reality, your wishes! It's time to create the wealth, abundance, and joy you are looking for! law of attractionlaw of attraction
Law of Attraction: You Reap What You Sow
"If we plant a seed in the ground, we know that the sun will shine and the rain will water, and we leave it to the law to bring results...Well, the desire you image is the seed, your occasional closing of the eyes in imagery is the sun and your constant, though not anxious, expectation is the rain and cultivation necessary to bring absolutely sure results."~ Frances Latimer Warner, Our Invisible supply, Part One 1907
Six Ways to Attract Bad Luck
By Steve GillmanExcerpt from Secrets of Lucky People
There are two ways to improve the good luck / bad luck ratio in your life. One is to take steps to do those things that lead to more good luck. The other is to stop doing the things that cause bad luck. This lesson is about the latter. It is an examination of the actions, habits and thinking of unlucky people, so that you can learn what to avoid.The last chapter covered a couple of the worst bad habits that unlucky people have. Those are blaming and making excuses.
Here are some more to watch out for.
1. Unlucky People Wait For Good LuckThose who are unlucky commonly say things like, "I'm waiting for my ship to come in." They are very passive in their approach to life. Meanwhile, while they wait, others are out there building ships. Work invites opportunities - waiting doesn't.Why not search out opportunities and create your opportunities? Training yourself to see them can be as simple as looking for them every day. To train yourself to take advantage of them, always taking some small step the moment you recognize an opportunity.
2. Unlucky People Act On Destructive ImpulsesThe other day, a man mentioned to me that he had bought a $200 hat. A moment later he said he was hoping they would approve his welfare application. Is this a problem with impulse control, or what? Is it perhaps possible that his bad habits lead to a place on the welfare rolls?Wait a day before taking any action that commits time, energy or money towards something which isn't a major goal in your life. Do this until it becomes a habit. Probably you'll change your mind by the next day. On the other hand, if you have the impulse to eat something healthy, get some exercise, or pursue an opportunity to better your life - those are the impulses to act on.
3. Unlucky People Concentrate On The Unpredictability Of LifeRandom events happen, but unlucky people place too much importance on this. They see lottery winners and take that to mean they should wait for their "lucky break" to come. They see random misfortunes befall themselves and others, and take that to mean that outside factors are to blame for their situation. What they don't see clearly, is the predictability within the chaos, and their own role in creating good and bad luck.Think of a casino. Inside, people are randomly winning and losing money. You can't say who will win or lose on a given day. That is unpredictability. On the other hand, the casino will almost always be a winner, because the rules put the odds in their favor. They can have their ups and downs, but at the end of the year they will have taken in more than they paid out. That's predictability.There is always some way to improve the odds, some way to introduce more predictability into a situation. Lucky people are putting the odds in their favor.
4. Unlucky People Don't Learn From MistakesI have a friend who had $30,000 of credit card debt. The payments on this debt alone amounted to almost $1,000 per month. Then there were his other debts, for cars, snowmobiles, and other toys. He only avoided bankruptcy by tapping into the equity in his home and getting the credit card companies to accept as little as 50% of the balances as payment in full.What did he do then? Well, with the pressure off, it soon felt comfortable to get a new credit card, and to buy a new car. Within a year or two he had a couple credit cards. Soon he was deep in debt all over again. Some people just don't learn from their mistakes. They are typically described by themselves and others as unlucky.Oh, there are always "reasons" why doing the same things didn't work the second or third time around. But the bottom line is that if you do the same things over and over, you will likely get the same results. "Reasons" at this point are excuses, and you can make excuses or you can make your own luck, but you can't do both.Learn from your mistakes. In fact, always assume that you have some role in the disasters or irritations that befall you, and look for what it is. Identify what you are doing that either causes your bad situations or makes them worse. Then change your approach accordingly.Even better, learn from other's mistakes and you can avoid making many of your own. See how others create bad luck and don't do those things. That is what this lesson is about.
5. Unlucky People Only Think Short-TermA young man I know paid $750 per month in rent when a nicer place was available for $600. Why would he do that? Because the expensive apartment required no deposit. The cheaper place required a $400 deposit, so he would have had to save $1,000 total to move in. Now he pays $1,800 more for rent each year - and probably complains about his bad luck and shortage of cash.Plan a little further into the future. How would things be now if you had done the right things in the past? Do them now, and the future can be that bright. Consider the long-term consequences of your actions, and write them down whenever you make an important decision. By the way, if this young man had borrowed the extra $250 he needed and paid 100% annual interest, he would still be much further ahead.
6. Unlucky People Are Too CriticalYou probably know a person who is an expert in why things won't work. These people can point out the flaws in every plan. They are mostly right too, which makes them all the more dangerous to themselves and others. Their "insight" is a poison that kills dreams.Lucky Person: "If I do this right, there is a 99% chance of success."Unlucky Person: "So you're saying you could fail?"It is good to think critically, to see the truth, and so reduce risk. The problem comes when a person sees only the risk and the flaws. For example, this kind of thinking only sees the fact that 80% of restaurants fail, but ignores the other 20%. If you want to move forward, see the weaknesses in your plan, but to each one add, "And this is what I can do about it..."Not Everyone Can Be LuckyThe above is just a sampling of the worst things that unlucky people commonly do. Most of us have a little bit of some of these traits and habits. Fortunately they can all be changed in time, but are you willing to do the work necessary? If not, you fall into one of the two categories of people that researcher Richard Wiseman found could not improve their luck: those not willing to make the effort to change.What can I say, except that I don't know of anyone who has suffered greatly from forcing themselves to get up and do something. Try something easy first. If low energy is part of the problem, start learning a few techniques for boosting it, like deep breathing and singing. Not much in this book can help improve your luck if you don't apply it.Wiseman also found a second category of people who couldn't improve their luck: those for whom bad luck is an important part of their identity. It may seem hard to believe, but some people like being unlucky. They say things like, "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all." They go out of their way to demonstrate how unlucky they are. They are even proud of their bad luck.Unless they radically change their view of themselves, these individuals cannot become lucky, according to Wiseman. If you identify at all with bad luck, and feel a bit like, "If I didn't have bad luck, I don't quite know who I would be," you need to do some serious work in this area. Believe me, you'll like being lucky even more.I don't entirely agree with Wiseman's observation, however. Experience tells me that even a person who is proud of her bad luck can become luckier - at least a little bit. This is because some of the techniques in this book work even if you just play around with them.If you simply spend more time with people, for example, you have a better chance of learning something useful. If you start working in an area that interests you, you are more likely to succeed. Finally, if enough good things happen, you can't help but notice and that will weaken your identification with bad luck.
By Steve GillmanExcerpt from Secrets of Lucky People
There are two ways to improve the good luck / bad luck ratio in your life. One is to take steps to do those things that lead to more good luck. The other is to stop doing the things that cause bad luck. This lesson is about the latter. It is an examination of the actions, habits and thinking of unlucky people, so that you can learn what to avoid.The last chapter covered a couple of the worst bad habits that unlucky people have. Those are blaming and making excuses.
Here are some more to watch out for.
1. Unlucky People Wait For Good LuckThose who are unlucky commonly say things like, "I'm waiting for my ship to come in." They are very passive in their approach to life. Meanwhile, while they wait, others are out there building ships. Work invites opportunities - waiting doesn't.Why not search out opportunities and create your opportunities? Training yourself to see them can be as simple as looking for them every day. To train yourself to take advantage of them, always taking some small step the moment you recognize an opportunity.
2. Unlucky People Act On Destructive ImpulsesThe other day, a man mentioned to me that he had bought a $200 hat. A moment later he said he was hoping they would approve his welfare application. Is this a problem with impulse control, or what? Is it perhaps possible that his bad habits lead to a place on the welfare rolls?Wait a day before taking any action that commits time, energy or money towards something which isn't a major goal in your life. Do this until it becomes a habit. Probably you'll change your mind by the next day. On the other hand, if you have the impulse to eat something healthy, get some exercise, or pursue an opportunity to better your life - those are the impulses to act on.
3. Unlucky People Concentrate On The Unpredictability Of LifeRandom events happen, but unlucky people place too much importance on this. They see lottery winners and take that to mean they should wait for their "lucky break" to come. They see random misfortunes befall themselves and others, and take that to mean that outside factors are to blame for their situation. What they don't see clearly, is the predictability within the chaos, and their own role in creating good and bad luck.Think of a casino. Inside, people are randomly winning and losing money. You can't say who will win or lose on a given day. That is unpredictability. On the other hand, the casino will almost always be a winner, because the rules put the odds in their favor. They can have their ups and downs, but at the end of the year they will have taken in more than they paid out. That's predictability.There is always some way to improve the odds, some way to introduce more predictability into a situation. Lucky people are putting the odds in their favor.
4. Unlucky People Don't Learn From MistakesI have a friend who had $30,000 of credit card debt. The payments on this debt alone amounted to almost $1,000 per month. Then there were his other debts, for cars, snowmobiles, and other toys. He only avoided bankruptcy by tapping into the equity in his home and getting the credit card companies to accept as little as 50% of the balances as payment in full.What did he do then? Well, with the pressure off, it soon felt comfortable to get a new credit card, and to buy a new car. Within a year or two he had a couple credit cards. Soon he was deep in debt all over again. Some people just don't learn from their mistakes. They are typically described by themselves and others as unlucky.Oh, there are always "reasons" why doing the same things didn't work the second or third time around. But the bottom line is that if you do the same things over and over, you will likely get the same results. "Reasons" at this point are excuses, and you can make excuses or you can make your own luck, but you can't do both.Learn from your mistakes. In fact, always assume that you have some role in the disasters or irritations that befall you, and look for what it is. Identify what you are doing that either causes your bad situations or makes them worse. Then change your approach accordingly.Even better, learn from other's mistakes and you can avoid making many of your own. See how others create bad luck and don't do those things. That is what this lesson is about.
5. Unlucky People Only Think Short-TermA young man I know paid $750 per month in rent when a nicer place was available for $600. Why would he do that? Because the expensive apartment required no deposit. The cheaper place required a $400 deposit, so he would have had to save $1,000 total to move in. Now he pays $1,800 more for rent each year - and probably complains about his bad luck and shortage of cash.Plan a little further into the future. How would things be now if you had done the right things in the past? Do them now, and the future can be that bright. Consider the long-term consequences of your actions, and write them down whenever you make an important decision. By the way, if this young man had borrowed the extra $250 he needed and paid 100% annual interest, he would still be much further ahead.
6. Unlucky People Are Too CriticalYou probably know a person who is an expert in why things won't work. These people can point out the flaws in every plan. They are mostly right too, which makes them all the more dangerous to themselves and others. Their "insight" is a poison that kills dreams.Lucky Person: "If I do this right, there is a 99% chance of success."Unlucky Person: "So you're saying you could fail?"It is good to think critically, to see the truth, and so reduce risk. The problem comes when a person sees only the risk and the flaws. For example, this kind of thinking only sees the fact that 80% of restaurants fail, but ignores the other 20%. If you want to move forward, see the weaknesses in your plan, but to each one add, "And this is what I can do about it..."Not Everyone Can Be LuckyThe above is just a sampling of the worst things that unlucky people commonly do. Most of us have a little bit of some of these traits and habits. Fortunately they can all be changed in time, but are you willing to do the work necessary? If not, you fall into one of the two categories of people that researcher Richard Wiseman found could not improve their luck: those not willing to make the effort to change.What can I say, except that I don't know of anyone who has suffered greatly from forcing themselves to get up and do something. Try something easy first. If low energy is part of the problem, start learning a few techniques for boosting it, like deep breathing and singing. Not much in this book can help improve your luck if you don't apply it.Wiseman also found a second category of people who couldn't improve their luck: those for whom bad luck is an important part of their identity. It may seem hard to believe, but some people like being unlucky. They say things like, "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all." They go out of their way to demonstrate how unlucky they are. They are even proud of their bad luck.Unless they radically change their view of themselves, these individuals cannot become lucky, according to Wiseman. If you identify at all with bad luck, and feel a bit like, "If I didn't have bad luck, I don't quite know who I would be," you need to do some serious work in this area. Believe me, you'll like being lucky even more.I don't entirely agree with Wiseman's observation, however. Experience tells me that even a person who is proud of her bad luck can become luckier - at least a little bit. This is because some of the techniques in this book work even if you just play around with them.If you simply spend more time with people, for example, you have a better chance of learning something useful. If you start working in an area that interests you, you are more likely to succeed. Finally, if enough good things happen, you can't help but notice and that will weaken your identification with bad luck.
Difference between lucky people and unlucky people
Lucky people often gratitude about things and people, unlucky people often complain about things and people.
Lucky people are optimist, unlucky people are pessimist.
Lucky people take quick action , unlucky people think a lot and no action.
Lucky people are often smiling , unlucky people are often upset.
Lucky people find someone ‘s good point and compliment people, unlucky people find someone’s bad point and criticize people.
Lucky people care for whether fun or not, unlucky people care for right or wrong.
Lucky people are responsible and independent in their life, unlucky people think they are victim and blame others.
Lucky people are humble and keep quiet about themselves, unlucky people are arrogant and love to boast themselves.
Lucky people are interested in positive things, unlucky people are interested in negative things.
Lucky people have habit to use beautiful positive words, unlucky people have habit to use nasty negative words.
Lucky people are cheerful, unlucky people are depressed and are always tired.
Lucky people have a lot of love, unlucky people have a lot of hate.
Lucky people often gratitude about things and people, unlucky people often complain about things and people.
Lucky people are optimist, unlucky people are pessimist.
Lucky people take quick action , unlucky people think a lot and no action.
Lucky people are often smiling , unlucky people are often upset.
Lucky people find someone ‘s good point and compliment people, unlucky people find someone’s bad point and criticize people.
Lucky people care for whether fun or not, unlucky people care for right or wrong.
Lucky people are responsible and independent in their life, unlucky people think they are victim and blame others.
Lucky people are humble and keep quiet about themselves, unlucky people are arrogant and love to boast themselves.
Lucky people are interested in positive things, unlucky people are interested in negative things.
Lucky people have habit to use beautiful positive words, unlucky people have habit to use nasty negative words.
Lucky people are cheerful, unlucky people are depressed and are always tired.
Lucky people have a lot of love, unlucky people have a lot of hate.
Characteristics of Lucky People
How to Attract Good Fortune into your Life
© Judith Vines
Dec 12, 2007
Lucky people and the characteristics to attract good fortune into your life
Are some individuals destined to succeed while others are fated to fail? Does luck actually exist, and if so, is it part of some giant, cosmic game plan? Do people perhaps use some form of unconscious psychic ability to attract good or bad circumstances? Is it possible to attract and create good fortune?
Dr. Richard Wiseman, author of the British bestseller The Luck Factor: Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life (2003, Miramax Books), researched a broad range of individuals to discover what tendencies made them feel lucky or unlucky. The interesting factor that Wiseman found was that those who felt lucky in one area of their lives often had been lucky in several others. Those in happy relationships were also content with their career and financial situation, for example.
What Wiseman and his research team discovered was a level of consistency in the experiences of good fortune by those who thought of themselves as “lucky”. Conversely, those who felt to be victims of ill fate and bad luck situations labeled themselves as “unlucky”. Wiseman thus concluded that there must be some causal effect for these consistencies to work well for some and consistently badly for others.
One of the differences is in the way that lucky and unlucky people perceive change and new experiences in life. Unlucky people are usually stuck in routines and fear change, often finding themselves saying “I’d never do that!” Lucky people on the other hand seize opportunity and are willing to take risks.
Lucky individuals also seem to hold an image in their minds of the potential in any situation and stick to their vision. These individuals trust their intuition and inner voice.
Of course, random events do occur in our lives. Many scientific discoveries were the result of a chance event, including penicillin, X-rays, Velcro and aspirin.
Yet the one component that becomes evident from Dr. Wiseman’s work is that luck is the result of an individual’s ability to take an opportunity or idea and transform it through creativity, desire and courage. Some of the characteristics of lucky people he observed were a trust in their intuition and psychic ability with clear goals and an open mind.
Luck has the power to transform our belief system into new ideas and potentials. Listen to the advice of those who live happy and successful lives and be courageous enough to seize opportunities as they are presented to you. Hold the creative vision of what you want your life to be and no matter how hard stick with it! You just might find that you are the luckiest one of them all!
How to Attract Good Fortune into your Life
© Judith Vines
Dec 12, 2007
Lucky people and the characteristics to attract good fortune into your life
Are some individuals destined to succeed while others are fated to fail? Does luck actually exist, and if so, is it part of some giant, cosmic game plan? Do people perhaps use some form of unconscious psychic ability to attract good or bad circumstances? Is it possible to attract and create good fortune?
Dr. Richard Wiseman, author of the British bestseller The Luck Factor: Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life (2003, Miramax Books), researched a broad range of individuals to discover what tendencies made them feel lucky or unlucky. The interesting factor that Wiseman found was that those who felt lucky in one area of their lives often had been lucky in several others. Those in happy relationships were also content with their career and financial situation, for example.
What Wiseman and his research team discovered was a level of consistency in the experiences of good fortune by those who thought of themselves as “lucky”. Conversely, those who felt to be victims of ill fate and bad luck situations labeled themselves as “unlucky”. Wiseman thus concluded that there must be some causal effect for these consistencies to work well for some and consistently badly for others.
One of the differences is in the way that lucky and unlucky people perceive change and new experiences in life. Unlucky people are usually stuck in routines and fear change, often finding themselves saying “I’d never do that!” Lucky people on the other hand seize opportunity and are willing to take risks.
Lucky individuals also seem to hold an image in their minds of the potential in any situation and stick to their vision. These individuals trust their intuition and inner voice.
Of course, random events do occur in our lives. Many scientific discoveries were the result of a chance event, including penicillin, X-rays, Velcro and aspirin.
Yet the one component that becomes evident from Dr. Wiseman’s work is that luck is the result of an individual’s ability to take an opportunity or idea and transform it through creativity, desire and courage. Some of the characteristics of lucky people he observed were a trust in their intuition and psychic ability with clear goals and an open mind.
Luck has the power to transform our belief system into new ideas and potentials. Listen to the advice of those who live happy and successful lives and be courageous enough to seize opportunities as they are presented to you. Hold the creative vision of what you want your life to be and no matter how hard stick with it! You just might find that you are the luckiest one of them all!
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