Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

Mind Power

Mind Power News
Issue No. 56 / Saturday, August 14, 2004
© 2004 by Andreas Ohrt / www.mindpowernews.com

In this issue:

SEVEN SIMPLE SECRETS OF NATURALLY LUCKY PEOPLE: These secrets are easy little things that you can begin applying in your own life. And when you do, things will start to change for you. One day you'll realize that now everyone has started calling you naturally lucky, too.

LUCK IS AN ENERGETIC FORCE: In coming months we will be examining the role of luck in our lives based on the most recent findings from the realm of parapsychological research. We will delve into precognition as expressed in our dreams and waking premonitions. We will learn the role of synchronicity and how these phenomena are related to being lucky.

EIGHT WAYS TO BECOME A LUCKIER PERSON: Luck is something you create and attract. If you will simply focus on each of these areas for one week each, can you not see how you luck would dramatically improve?

THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF ATTRACTION AND YOUR ROLE IN IT: Here's how it works. When you are focused on what you want, you are attracting to you what you want. When you are focused on what you do not want, you are attracting to you what you do not want.

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The Seven Simple Secrets of Naturally Lucky People

By Charles Burke

We've all seen people who are just naturally lucky. They're the ones who manage to sail through life with more unexplainable "lucky breaks" and fewer disappointments than most people get. Success just seems to come easier for them.

Where most folks have to struggle just to get ahead, lucky people regularly have opportunities just plop down in their laps. Of course, they work hard, but that doesn't fully explain the special treatment that life seems to reserve for them.

It almost appears that they were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouths. Or born under a luckier star than most mere mortals.

Well, cheer up; neither stars nor spoons are at work here. All they have is seven simple secrets. These secrets are easy little things that you can begin applying in your own life. And when you do, things will start to change for you. Your career will begin to blossom in unexpected ways. And one day you'll realize that now everyone has started calling you naturally lucky, too.

Ready to command more luck in your life? Here are the seven simple secrets of naturally lucky people.

I recently interviewed ten unusually successful business people for a book I was writing about the role luck plays in the lives of successes.

Nearly every one of them stated plainly they don't believe in luck.

In the next breath, however, they told about unending streams of "serendipitous" or "synchronistic" events that routinely happen in their daily lives.

I believe they don't like the word "luck" because it implies there's no way to control it. They've learned that there is.

If you prefer to call it serendipity or synchronicity rather than lucky, that's okay. The message here is not which term to use. It's about what you can do to get these kinds of things happening for you. When they do happen, you can call them anything you want.

There are several ways to have good luck. The most common (and the most useful) is to find opportunities in problems.

Let's say you and I are neighbors, and our whole city has a common problem. Maybe it's infestation with insects. Or it could be a serious pollution problem from a nearby plant.

While almost everyone is griping and complaining about the problem, you might decide: "Hey, if I can solve this problem, it will help my neighbors, and it can also make a profit for me." Your neighbors only saw the problem, but you looked deeper and found an opportunity.

All great fortunes have been built upon solving great problems. That's probably the most common and the most controllable way to generate your own luck.

If you knew ahead of time without a doubt that your success was guaranteed, how much would you go out and do?

Would it make any difference in the kind of things you would attempt? How much higher would you direct your aim?

Well, a funny thing happened to me a few years back. I was sitting and feeling sorry for myself one day because of all the failures that I had been through.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that one particular case hadn't been a real failure. I admitted to myself (reluctantly) that I had simply quit too soon. I had quit before I'd really had a chance to fail.

Then I thought of another non-failure. Then another.

And before long, I was buried under an avalanche of similar cases. In fact, I couldn't think of a single time when I had actually kept on trying long enough to fail. In other words, I had never experienced failure in my entire lifetime.

Only quitting.

A realization like that will realign your reality. After that, it's hard to consider yourself a failure because you've never failed. Who knows what you might really be, down inside?

I began to wonder: what would have happened if I had stuck with even a few of those situations just a little longer? What if I stopped being so ready to throw in the towel and surrender too soon? Would I start seeing the number of clear successes in my life begin to grow?

I started finding a new resourcefulness within myself. My "keeping-on" average began to go up, and my "failure" average started declining.

I count that one realization among the most important in my life. Not because it solved a problem, but because it identified one. Once I could see that the problem wasn't even what I thought it was, I was then able to work on doing something else instead.

And you know what? My luck began improving.

Successful poker players don't play every hand they're dealt.

If you keep count, the hands they fold far outnumber the hands they hold.

That's because a good card player knows the odds for every possible card combination. They know whether a flush beats a full house and which is more likely to occur. Good players don't bet on risk, they bet on probability.

Lucky people are very similar. They know longshots when they see them, and they may bet, but it's a calculated bet.

Lucky people are some of the most tenacious people on earth when it's appropriate. But they're also some of the quickest quitters when the odds don't favor them. In fact, they'll usually opt out of most situations before they even begin because they have learned to recognize and rank opportunities.

What makes a good opportunity? First, does it solve a WIDESPREAD problem? Second, do the people with the problem have enough money to pay for solving that problem? Third, is it easy to reach the people with the problem? Fourth, is the solution a really good one?

If they don't find all four factors, a lucky person will walk away because they know it's a losing hand, no matter how much they personally love the idea.

So if a lucky person sees he's holding a losing hand, he quits quickly and cuts his losses.

Good luck almost never happens in a vacuum.

Several years back I read a book by Max Gunther titled "The Luck Factor." Most of the details in that book have dimmed, but I've never forgotten the core idea: Most lucky breaks are brought to you by other people.

Few people find significant amounts of money on the street or buried in the backyard. Perhaps even fewer win lotteries. Instead, luck comes more often in the form of opportunities.

You're with a group of ladies (or guys) who are sitting around complaining about how it's hard to find respectable men (women) to date. Everybody is really getting into the problem.

The person next to you leans over and whispers, "Don't you wish everyone would just quit whining?" But instead of complaining about all those complaints, a little lightbulb clicks on in your head. You realize a good computerized screening service for romantic introductions would fill a real need here.

You don't say anything, but weeks later, when you announce the new service, and you're flooded with calls from singles all over the city wanting safer introductions, all your friends whisper, "She's so lucky. Where did she get that great idea?"

You know where the idea came from, but you're not telling.

A great deal of "good luck" is manually created out of discomfort often someone else's.

Let's say you're appearing in an amateur play in a little theater in your neighborhood. A big-name producer from Hollywood is visiting a sick relative, hears about the play, and for a bit of distraction decides to attend.

She sees a spark of something special in your performance, asks to meet you, and offers you a screen test. Okay, freeze the frame for a second.

Are you prepared for this big break? Have you done all the study and the practice and the foundation work it takes to be a professional? Will you have the technique and the skills necessary to do the job?

Or are you going to try and fake your way through it?

If you're prepared, you're likely to do well. This means a giant step toward your dreams.

And if you're not prepared... well, good luck with your day job.

All this talk about finding opportunities in "bad" events and developing your skills is important, but there's a more sunny side to luck as well.

Internet entrepreneur Joe Vitale terms it his "Magic Escalator through Life," and award-winning author John Harricharan has titled it "The Power Pause."

I interviewed both of these men recently, as well as eight other fascinating people, about how they manage to stay so consistently successful.

Every single one of them has techniques for keeping their mind tuned to the things they want. And they attend to this "mind tuning" every day. They're not casual about this. Oh no, they put regular effort into it. Their successes and their luck are not accidents.

If you're tempted to greet this with a dismissive, "Oh yeah, I've read those positive thinking books," then you need to think again.

The hardest part of Secret #7? Taking responsibility for the bad stuff in your life. If you've got uncomfortable situations right now, you'll never have the power to change them until you accept the fact that you created that mess... exactly as it is right now.

Admit to yourself that you created your own problems, down to the last tiny detail, and only then will you take command of the power to change those problems. Fortunately, it's not as impossible as it sounds at first.

Your mind is like a bucket. If the bucket is filled with muddy water, all you have to do is start a steady flow of clear, fresh water into the bucket.

Soon, the bucket (or your mind) is filled with clear, fresh contents.

Steady daily input of clear, fresh thoughts will change the things that appear in your life, without the need for major renovation. It just happens. You work on the inside, and the outside takes care of itself.

This means you don't fight the old thoughts. You give them minimum energy. You don't resist, you don't struggle. Instead, you put your attention as much as possible on the good things you want to appear in your life.

The lucky things you spend your time thinking about just start happening for you, and one day you wake up and realize, "Hey, I'm a pretty lucky person now. When did that happen?"

Charles Burke is the author of "Command More Luck," a book offering powerful suggestions for getting more cooperation from life, luck, and your own mind. Whether you call it synchronicity, serendipity, or just plain old luck, you CAN become more "naturally lucky." Learn more at www.CommandMoreLuck.com

Luck is an Energetic Force

By Randall Fitzgerald
Phenomena Magazine

In case you missed it, a movie called The Cooler is out on video with a unique take - at least as far as movies go - on the subject of luck, and whether it’s an energetic force that can be channeled by ‘lucky’ people.

Actor William Macy plays a character named Bernie who works for the Golden Shangri-La casino in Las Vegas as a ‘cooler,’ someone who carries such a negative charge that he can ‘cool off’ hot streaks of luck being experienced by gamblers, thus making (or saving) money for the casino.

All Bernie needs to do is stand next to a gambler and, in his words, “their luck turns. I do it by being myself.”

Bernie is portrayed as “a born loser,” someone who attracts bad luck by his very nature. In the ‘real’ world, even mathematicians and probability theorists talk in these terms: out of 6 billion people on planet Earth, the law of averages dictate that X-number of them will be either lucky or unlucky for their entire lives.

But in this movie, Bernie is a lonely bachelor who ‘gets lucky’ with a cocktail waitress at the casino. He falls in love. His luck immediately flips from a negative to a positive charge, and everyone he touches or stands beside becomes lucky instead of unlucky, costing the casino a small fortune.

When the love interest leaves him (under circumstances orchestrated by the casino), he becomes depressed again and that low voltage once again drains the power of the luck streaks going on around him.

During months of research for my book, Lucky You!, documenting how we can channel streaks of paranormal luck, I personally witnessed many of these Bernie characters (both male and female) as embodied in slot machine players at casinos in California, Oregon, and Nevada.

Some of these streaks of luck were truly extraordinary. I watched one 60-year-old woman intuitively sense which slot machines were ready to birth jackpots, walking from one to another, much like a human dowsing rod sensing veins of gold, and winning impressive jackpots at each and every one.

When I interviewed these winners afterward about what they were feeling or sensing while in the flow or zone, they always talked in terms of intuition, being able to use their bodies as a kind of receiver picking up precognitive signals. Many of them simply knew or felt beforehand they were going to be lucky. Even accounting for our very human capacity for self-delusion and selective memory, these examples of winning streaks, as I personally witnessed them, defied the law of averages to such a remarkable degree that paranormal luck seemed a reasonable if not likely explanation.

In coming months on the pages of Phenomena magazine and on this website, we will be examining the role of luck in our lives based on the most recent findings from the realm of parapsychological research. We will delve into precognition (glimpsing the future) as expressed in our dreams and waking premonitions. We will learn the role of synchronicity (patterns of meaningful coincidences) and how these phenomena are related to being lucky. We will look at intuition using the latest research from psychologists and neuroscientists and how this “handmaiden to inductive reasoning” can expand the reach of the human mind. Stay tuned. It’s going to be a fascinating roller coaster of ideas.

Randall Fitzgerald is a Phenomena managing editor and the author of Lucky You!, a book about the parapsychological and spiritual dimensions of luck and good fortune. You can follow his research at www.doctorluck.com

Why Some People ALWAYS Get the Luck!

Being lucky is a skill, just like any other skill. As you learn it and you practice it, you get better. You get more successful... people will say you're "luckier." And yes, you can learn this skill. How do I know? Because I learned it myself - beginning from absolute zero. Finally, stop wondering what's going to happen to you next. Start calling the shots now, take charge. Of your luck, your success, even your love-life. Learn more here: Command More Luck

Eight Ways to Become a Luckier Person 

It is my belief that luck is something that you can create, rather than that there are just lucky and unlucky people in the world.
If you would like to believe the latter, no need to read further. You can just continue with your old expressions: "I have bad luck" or "Nothing good ever happens to me" or "Good things only happen to other people." And that is what you will continue to create.

However, if you are ready to change your luck, by doing a few simple techniques, which can be significantly amplified through the power of hypnosis; allowing these ideas to penetrate your subconscious mind, then do read on.

Luck is something you create and attract. If you will simply focus on each of these areas for one week each, can you not see how you luck would dramatically improve?

1. Get Ready for Luck: Become more prepared, alert and aware of all those many chance opportunities that ordinarily are available to you that you weren’t able to recognize before. 

2. Create Mental Alertness: There are an abundance of chance encounters that will come your way. Learn exactly how to make use of them. Create the ability to sharpen your mind and to become more mentally alert with razor-sharp thinking. Make quick and intelligent decisions. Have the ability to act upon information and ideas immediately. 

3. Practice Generosity: The practice of generosity attracts luck. Find creative and imaginative ways of improving yourself and to become a more understanding person. Have the confidence to be a good friend toward others, including those whom you did not know before. Improve your attitude and project good positive vibes toward others and you will have pulled more lucky situations into your life than ever before. 

4. Get in touch with your Desire: There is nothing in the world that is more attractive to luck than your desire. Find something inside of yourself that you feel very passionate about. That is in alignment with all of your values. There is a desire that is one of the many infinite combinations of all desires that is so special and so specific to you as an individual. Your likeliness of creating luck grows as you are able to touch upon and hone in on those few very meaningful desires that mean the most to you. 

5. Increase your Intuition: Of course it stands to reason that intuition plays a huge role in the luck you have in your life. If you are able to tune into that inner voice that tells you that something is good or something is bad you will greatly improve your luck. Enhance your intuition by going into meditation or hypnosis on a daily basis and pay attention to your thoughts your feelings and all of your senses. The more you are able to tune into and trust your intuition the more success you are going to have in all areas of your life, especially concerning your luck. 

6. Undo Past Bad Luck: Think about various situations in your life that could have turned out lucky for you, where in hindsight as you look back on these situations, had you acted differently, it would have been lucky for you. Now, replay the scene in your mind, having acted in the way you would have and experience the feeling of that new experience, allowing it to leave an emotional impact on your subconscious mind, thereby created a new path your subconscious mind will now take in the future. Your subconscious will help direct your thinking in news ways based upon the learning that you integrate through that feeling state. 

7. Create a Luck Anchor: Create an emotional anchor, charged with the vibration of luck. When you are feeling low or your energy is low you are vibrating at a low frequency. The law of attraction simply states, like attracts like, hence, when you are vibrating at a low frequency you are only going to bring about things in your life that are vibrating at an equally low vibration. Think about the things that make you feel good, things are on a high vibration plane. When you are feeling good, your energy vibration is simply going to attract more of the things that are in alignment with your energy … Anchor this feeling in by squeezing your thumb and forefinger together. Now, whenever you need to access this resourceful state you are going to create, you then whenever you press your thumb and forefinger together and you will feel all those wonderful feelings. 

8. Morning Luck Meditation/Affirmations: It’s a good idea to begin the day on a positive note, to open you up to an awareness of potential lucky situations and to simply feel like you are a lucky person throughout the day. The first thing you will do every morning before getting out of bed repeat these affirmations: Today will be filled with all sorts of lucky opportunities; I am a lucky person; I experience luck in my life daily; I am learning how to create more luck; I attract good fortune; My intuition is increasing and guiding me toward luck; I feel my luck is changing for the better; I am in the right place at the right time; I enjoy new encounters which increase my chances of luck; Today could be the luckiest day of my life.

Source: Hyptalk.com

The Universal Law of Attraction and Your Role In It

By Eva Gregory
Excerpt from "The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity"

Are you aware of what a powerful creator you are? Do you know that everything that is happening to you or has ever happened to you is, without exception, in full response to your thoughts - and more importantly - the emotions behind those thoughts?

Take a look at your life. There are probably some areas you're really happy with and some areas you're not so happy with. You may even believe you are a victim of your circumstances. I'm here to tell you, you are not a victim! It's simply a matter of understanding how to play the Game (of Life) by understanding the rules...the Laws that define the Game.

Would you agree that whether you believe in the law of gravity or not, it exists? It is the same with Universal Laws. They exist and affect you whether you are aware of them or not. Universal Laws are infinite and beyond all boundaries.

Of all the Laws, the single most powerful law is the Law of Attraction, which simply states, "Like attracts like". This means that what you are focused on, you draw to you.

Here's how it works. When you are focused on what you want, you are attracting to you what you want. When you are focused on what you do not want, you are attracting to you what you do not want.

Right now your thoughts are probably going something like "So if it's that simple and clear, why haven't we known this before?" Or, "I've been focused on money for years, so why don’t I have any?"

The Law is simple and clear. However, our thoughts are usually very unfocused and running in many directions at once. For example, you may say "I want a loving relationship." In that moment, the Universe is orchestrating circumstances and events to bring it to you. And yet in the same sentence, you may sabotage yourself by saying something like, "I feel so alone." So, in essence, the Universal forces say, "Wait a minute. Now he says he feels so alone." And you stop the energy flow.

So, take it a step further. When you are thinking about wanting a new relationship, but feeling so alone, where are your emotions? They are focused in feelings of lack; feelings that you want something you do not believe you can have. Can you see how, by not understanding this Law, we hold things away from us we could otherwise have? Our thoughts and emotions are our attraction base.

Let's take the example of money. You say you've been wanting more money for as long as you can remember. When you think of wanting more money, how do you feel about it? Happy? Elated? Or frustrated? Angry? Sad? Maybe, jealous of those who do have money? In my experience, this particular subject has more people on an emotional roller coaster than all other subjects combined. The good news is that it doesn't matter how long you've felt this way or how deeply. You can literally turn it around, and begin flowing money to you by consciously and deliberately practicing the Law of Attraction through your thoughts and feelings.

Anything in your life you want to change, you can, simply by understanding the Law of Attraction and choosing to deliberately change your thoughts and constantly reach for the thought that feels better. The way you predominantly feel about any given subject is your barometer for knowing what your balance of thought is on that subject. The circumstances of your life are another indicator. If you're ever wondering which end of the barometer your thoughts are on, check in with your emotions. Your emotions never lie about the way you are flowing your energy.

I had a client say to me, "I don't understand. You're telling me I'm the creator of my experience, and there's no way I would have created this crisis in my life on purpose!" I agree! Certainly not on purpose. Definitely by default. It is the lack of understanding of Universal Laws that has us creating our lives by default. Once you understand these Laws, you can begin to create what you want in your life consciously and deliberately.

When things are going wrong in our lives, we want to deny any responsibility for creating it. Yet, until you understand the power you hold and accept responsibility for everything in your life -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- you deny your true freedom in life! You are held hostage by the wants and desires and expectations of others. And I've got news for you. There is no way possible to satisfy all the wants, desires, and expectations others project on you. It is a losing situation!

Simply put, the Law of Attraction means whatever you focus on you draw to you. So, if you are focused on something you do not want, you attract more of that to you. If you are focused on something you do want, you attract more of that to you. As thinking, feeling human beings we are in a constant mode of creating, whether we believe it or not.

We are creators. Anything you focus on, by Law of Attraction, you create, without exception. Your creativity never stops. The good news is that once you understand the Universal Law of Attraction, you can be deliberate in your intent. You can choose thoughts about the experiences and things you do want in your life rather than thinking thoughts about what you don't want in your life. In other words, you begin to create what you want purposefully and intentionally.

Consciously and deliberately begin choosing the thoughts and emotions that feel better. Always reach for the thought that feels better. How do you know when you're in alignment with what you want or when you're not? Check in with your emotions. Your emotions never lie!

You may ask, "Where does action come in"? Clearly, as humans, we are action-oriented beings. Yet, when we put our focus on being in action first -- being in the 'doing' first -- we are going about our creative process backwards. The natural order is to identify how you want to feel, then identify what you want from that feeling place. From that point, you will be inspired to the right action.

One of my favorite quotes from Abraham-Hicks is: nothing is more important than that you feel good! And from that feel-good place, you can easily create all you are wanting in your life. It is the difference in coming from a negative place, working really hard to fix what is wrong -- to being in a positive place, clear about what you want and attracting it to you easily, effortlessly and joyfully. It is your job to create what you want in your imagination, get into the feeling place of it already happening, and then allow the Universe to bring about the people, places, circumstances, events and action from inspiration that allows it to become a part of your physical reality.

Excerpted from “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” by Eva Gregory. Copyright 2004. Published by Leading Edge Publishers. Get more information about Eva Gregory at www.FeelGoodGuideToProsperity.com

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Andreas Ohrt

How to attract better luck.

The thing you call good or bad luck is actually a learning experience and an individual's perception.

Some people blame unfortunate results and justify their misfortunes as fate. They don't seem to realize that providence favors those who impose self discipline and put in the efforts.

Things actually just don't happen. You create them. People who are fortunate are those who have made the decisions to take charge of their lives. They use bad experiences as lessons and avoid making excuses.

How to attract better luck.

Changing your perception and identity.
The thing that you set you set your mind to believe becomes your reality. If you continue to lament on how unlucky you have been, you will deny yourself the chance to have your big break.

You need to change how you have been identifying yourself and perceiving things. You have to hold a higher standard for yourself and expect fortunate events to happen in the future regardless of what has happened in the past. You do that by focusing your attention on the positive and on what has worked.

To overcome unhealthy belief systems that work against you, check out Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life.

Recognizing opportunities.
The next person that you meet, a lecture that you listen to, or reading some useful information might contribute to your big break. Take time to listen and watch successful people talk about how they made it.

Unless you are ready and prepared, you won't recognize it when it appears. Get yourself prepared by knowing what you truly desire. Make a firm decision on what you want to become and do.

Work hard at it.
The longer and the harder you work in the right direction, the bigger are your chances of being lucky. When you are busy doing and working, you will find the thrills and joy of creation and productivity.

You have to gather as much knowledge as you can and develop better skills. Your attitude about how much time and efforts you are willing to put in will determine your outcome. Remarkable results will happen when you are committed, stay positive and do all that you can.

Applying the law of cause and effect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. And there is a popular quote that states, "The best way to best way to predict your future is to create it."

So can you predict how the outcome of your efforts will turn out? Yes, because the law of cause and effect shows that things do not happen by chance. Whether you are aware of it or otherwise, whatever you have done or thought of in the past produced your experiences today. What you are doing and thinking today and onward determine your future.

Understand that it takes time.
Almost everything takes time to develop and grow. Keep on persevering even if you are not seeing the blessings from your attempts. If you put in the hours for study and work, your big break will show up. It's quite predictable. The trouble is people give up too soon.

Remind yourself that you will reap the rewards equivalent to the amount of time and efforts that you are willing to put in.

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